43 Guru Quotes by Sadhguru That Will Shed Light on Importance of Having a Spiritual Guru in Life
Last updated on May 4th, 2024 at 08:20 am
Don’t seek a Guru. Just seek a solution for your life – a Guru will happen. – Sadhguru
The job of a Guru is not to interpret the scriptures but to take you to another dimension of life. – Sadhguru
A genuine seeker, a person who develops an urge within, will always find his Guru. He may find it in a man, in a woman, or he may find it even in a rock. He will definitely find it somewhere; there is no doubt about it. – Sadhguru
Guru’s Grace is not designed to fulfill your plans but life’s plan for you. – Sadhguru
Guru is not somebody who consoles you. Guru is somebody who constantly threatens your individuality. – Sadhguru
A Guru is not a person but a possibility. – Sadhguru
A Guru is a cascade of energy. You have to soak your spiritual seed in it. It shall sprout. – Sadhguru
The work of a Guru is not to bring morality to you, but to bring spirituality to you. – Sadhguru
A Guru is a doorway to the Beyond. The Guru is only important because what is beyond him is important. – Sadhguru
A Guru is not someone who holds a torch for you. He is the torch. – Sadhguru
A Guru is a catalyst. His presence activates, enhances, and hastens the spiritual process. – Sadhguru
When you seek, can’t you seek that which is within yourself by yourself? You can but it’s an unchartered path. – Sadhguru
A Guru is not a crutch but a bridge. – Sadhguru
You know today, Gurus are beggars. Because finding a person who is really committed to do something serious with himself is very hard. – Sadhguru
The guru is someone who continuously punctures your ego, yet is your friend. – Sadhguru
A Guru creates his personality in such a way that people don’t know whether to love it or to hate it… this is not a human being. Either he is a devil or he must be Divine. – Sadhguru
If your Guru can be contained within your limitations, then you better not go anywhere near that man because he will be of no help to you. – Sadhguru
You don’t go to a Guru for solace. He is not a tranquilizer – he is there to awaken you. – Sadhguru
Don’t go searching for a Guru. When the pain of ignorance within you becomes a scream, a Guru will come in search of you. – Sadhguru
A guru is like a live road map. If you want to walk uncharted terrain, I think it is sensible to walk with a road map. – Sadhguru
A guru works in his presence and out of his presence, not through words. Guru is a certain energy, a certain space, not a person. The relationship is neither physical, psychological nor emotional, it is beyond body and mind. – Sadhguru
Work of a Guru is to make the mystical available to the human being, what is available, they are making it mystical. – Sadhguru
If you look at your Guru either as a man or a woman, you missed the whole point. – Sadhguru
A Guru’s role is to destroy one’s petty creation, so one can touch the Creator’s creation. – Sadhguru
Guru who comforts you is no good to you. There is nothing spiritual about giving solace to people. It is just a psychological comfort which your family can offer, which your dog can offer. Dog is good solace for you. – Sadhguru
A Guru is somebody who will destroy your psychological reality, so that you can come down to the existential. – Sadhguru
Strive to become an absolutely full-fledged Life. The best thing you can do for your Guru is what is ultimately best for yourself. In raising yourself beyond your limitations is how you serve your Guru. – Sadhguru
Role of a Guru – some people see sun only once a year when they go on vacation, some welcome sun every morning, whatever you want to choose, I’ll leave that to you. – Sadhguru
My work as a Guru is to give you a taste of the Ultimate source of creation. Once you have a taste; you can’t stop. – Sadhguru
Only when you begin to experience me as something more than a person, only then I am your Guru, till then I am not. – Sadhguru
The path is the Guru and Guru is the path – there is no difference between the two. – Sadhguru
How difficult the spiritual process is for you is determined by you, not by nature, not by your guru. – Sadhguru
If I were a moral teacher, I would try to change you. Because I am a Guru, I do not try to change you. – Sadhguru
Guru is held as the most important contact in one’s life because he touches that dimension that nobody else can. – Sadhguru
“Being with a Guru” means… you are not seeking guidance, you are not seeking help – you are seeking direct action. – Sadhguru
A Guru is a presence, not a person. To make use of this energy and possibility, all you have to do is become an opening. – Sadhguru
A Guru is not there to give you commandments, a Guru is there to constantly crank you up and crank you up and crank you up. – Sadhguru
A Guru means somebody who can throw light on your life. If he’s not contemporary, what use is he to you? – Sadhguru
Everything that I know, my Guru knew, and the whole spiritual tradition knew, is in the Dhyanalinga in an energy form. I am just a consequence. – Sadhguru
The Dhyanalinga is like a live Guru. Its energies can ignite your spiritual longing, guide you, and deliver you to the Ultimate. – Sadhguru
I am neither modern nor ancient – just contemporary, as every Guru was. If one is not relevant for today, what is the point? – Sadhguru
Don’t worry about who is your Guru. You just see how to intensify your longing, your seeking. – Sadhguru