Say Goodbye to Meditation Challenges with these Simple Hacks!
Meditation is a magical way to get rid of stress and anxiety, find calm, build focus, enhance concentration, sleep better, and most importantly, experience true happiness and inner peace. Magical because, at first a meditative state is difficult to achieve, but once you attain it, the practice can transform...
The Healing and Transformative Benefits of Full Moon Meditation
Moon, the Earth’s natural satellite, reflects sunlight on her and brightens up her nights. It goes through different phases, one of which is the full moon when it looks the most vibrant, is a complete circle and appears closer as compared to other times. Astronomically speaking, full moon is...
Science and Health Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra or Yogic sleep is a meditation technique and a yogic practice in which the practitioner rests in savasana (corpse pose) and traverses through the 5 layers of self (or panchamaya kosha). Yoga nidra gives you a sense of wholeness; and anyone irrespective of their age or gender,...
Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga: The Eight Limbs Of Yoga Explained
Patanjali describes yoga as having 8 limbs, namely, yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. According to Patanjali, yoga is an eight-fold path, following which, one can lead a purposeful life. The 8 limbs when seen serially, pave the way from one’s outer self to his/her inner...
Adiyogi Rudraksha Diksha by Isha Foundation: 13 FAQs, Benefits and Guidelines
Rudraksha Diksha is an effective means to gain the blessings of Lord Shiva. You can register online for Adiyogi Rudraksha Diksha through Isha Foundation’s website. Upon form submission, you’ll receive a complete Rudraksha Diksha package using which you can add an element of spirituality into your lives and also...
Rudraksha Types & Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha
Rudraksha is one of those items that have a very unique type of reverberation. – Sadhguru Rudraksha is linked with Shiva (the beads are believed to be Shiva’s tears), and are commonly used as it helps in prayer & meditation. A Rudraksha mala (Rudraksha beads strung together into a...
Benefits of Chanting Sanskrit Mantras
When Sanskrit is taught, it has to be learnt by rote. The sound is important, not the meaning. – Sadhguru Sanskrit is an ancient language of India and the base language from which several words from many other languages have been derived. Sanskrit serves as the language of Hindu...
Beginner’s Guide to Breathwork and Its Benefits
Deep breathing changes the chemistry of the body by bringing oxygen into the tissue. – Wim Hof What is Breathwork? Breathwork refers to breathing practices in which you exercise control over your breathing in a way that impacts your mental, emotional and physical well-being. While practicing breathwork, you consciously...
Navigating Life’s Roller Coaster with Inner Engineering – Sirisha Bodapati
Namaskaram! I am Sirisha Bodapati from Bangalore. January 12, 2019, marked the initiation of my journey with Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya in Bangalore. Since then, I have been serving as a calling volunteer for Inner Engineering in the Bangalore region. Pre-program Struggles Prior to my Inner Engineering experience, I found...
Stress Relief 101: A Beginner’s Guide to 5 Breathwork Techniques
Breathwork can be defined as a breathing practice in which you exercise conscious control over your breathing, and it is said to have a positive effect on your physical and mental well-being. The concept of breathwork means removing stress and toxins from the body when breathing out and nourishing...
My Inner Engineering Story – A Tale of Joy and Fulfillment By Kush Sareen
“Namaste, My name is Kush Sareen and I’m the founder of Isha Stories. My spiritual journey started in my teenage years when I started pondering the deeper questions of life. Who am I? What is my purpose? What is the nature of my existence? Deep inside me, these questions...
How to Set Up a Relaxing Meditation Space at Home
Meditation helps reduce your stress and helps you attain a sense of calm. To be able to practice mindful meditation, you are required to remove distractions and be in a soothing environment, where focusing the mind is easier, and for this, you require a designated space that is conducive...
My Life-changing Encounter with Inner Engineering: A Journey of Self-Transformation – Abhishek Patel
I am Abhishek Patel, and this is my transformation journey. I had everything I wanted, and life was great, but I would wonder, is there something more to life, or is this it? Would achieving social success make me a successful piece of life? I noticed, while on a...
Embracing Freedom from Compulsions and Addictions Through Inner Engineering: Shashank Shekhar
In late 2019, around November, my spiritual journey led me to explore Sadhguru and the Isha Foundation. At that time, grappling with personal and professional crises, I sought solace in various spiritual organizations, ranging from Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism to ISKCON, until I finally found my way to the Isha...
12 Powerful Dhyanalinga Quotes By Sadhguru That Will Nourish Your Spiritual Yearning!
Dhyanalinga, a profound embodiment of boundless energy, manifested on June 24, 1999, was consecrated by Sadhguru through 3 years of intense Prana Pratishtha. Serving as a sacred gateway to ultimate liberation, it symbolizes the fulfillment of the dreams cherished by enlightened beings across generations. Unlike traditional places of worship,...
Mahashivaratri 2025: Science, Significance and Rituals – Everything You Need to Know!
Mahashivaratri is a sacred celebration devoted to embracing the divine presence of Lord Shiva. While most other Indian festivals are celebrated during the day and include the getting together of families and friends, Mahashivaratri is observed at night and focuses on self-introspection and meditation. What’s truly special about Mahashivaratri...
Mahashivaratri Unveiled: 10 Interesting Facts and Essential Celebration Insights
Mahashivaratri (also known as the Great Night of Shiva) is observed on the 14th day of the dark half of the month of Magha or Phalgun. As per the Gregorian calendar, this festival falls in the month of February or March every year. It is an auspicious occasion to...
Isha Exclusive Event: “In the Lap of the Master” 2023
“In the Lap of the Master” program has been announced, offering a celebratory experience of Sadhguru’s enlightenment day in the profound presence of a Living Master. The program will be held at the Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore, on September 23rd-24th, 2023. The earlier “In the Lap of the Master”...
Isha Free Guided Meditations by Sadhguru – Learn to Meditate for Free
If you’ve been wondering where on Earth to begin your meditation adventure, fret not. Your smartphone is your passport to peacefulness. Now, in 2024, we’ve got an app for all your meditation needs. A few taps on your smartphone, and you’re almost aligned with the practices tailored just for...
Inner Engineering Review: From Compulsiveness to Conscious Living
We are so much trapped in our own versions of living that we fail to witness the glaring simplicity of life. The Inner Engineering program by Isha Foundation throws light on living life simply with minimal resistance, and helps us tap into our source of inner joy and peace....