Ayurveda’s Miracle Oil: Castor Oil’s Health Benefits and Uses
An ingredient of cleansers, paints, inks, perfumes and cosmetics, as well as a natural remedy for various health conditions, this pale yellow-colored liquid finds application in food and cosmetic industries and also in medicine. Yes, we are referring to castor oil, a vegetable oil obtained from castor beans, which...
Forest Bathing Benefits: Nature’s Way to Rejuvenate the Mind and Body
The concept of forest bathing originated in Japan in the 1980s and the Japanese term for it is shinrin-yoku, where shinrin means forest and yoku means bath. The term was coined in 1982 by Tomohide Akiyama, the Director of Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries at that time....
Moonlight Bathing: A Ritual for Balance, Healing and Inner Peace
The brightest celestial object in the night sky, a brilliant source of natural light during the dark hours.It interests the romantics and intrigues the scientists.It draws medical experts to study its benefits on health, and attracts spiritual seekers to experience its soothing effects on the soul.Despite being a reflector...
The Healing and Transformative Benefits of Full Moon Meditation
Moon, the Earth’s natural satellite, reflects sunlight on her and brightens up her nights. It goes through different phases, one of which is the full moon when it looks the most vibrant, is a complete circle and appears closer as compared to other times. Astronomically speaking, full moon is...
How to Practice Digital Detox and Reconnect with Yourself
The digital world is so overwhelming; the moment you enter it, there’s loads of content to consume. Be it a piece of news, an update from a friend, notification about a work meeting, a celebrity on social media, a movie, a music video, a controversial blog post, an entertaining...
How to Conduct a Self-Care Ritual for Mental Clarity and Relaxation
Self-care is the conscious act of taking care of our own well-being, which includes looking after our physical, mental, social and spiritual health. Self-care activities range from maintaining personal hygiene to pursuing hobbies, and from meeting up with friends to engaging in self-talk. These feel-good activities are essential for...
How to Practice Gratitude Daily and Transform Your Life
Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-occupation. – John Ortberg Gratitude is about taking a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the little things that are valuable to you. Big achievements are commonly celebrated but small joys that are...
How to Use Journaling as a Tool for Spiritual Growth
Journaling includes keeping a record of your thoughts, feelings, experiences, understanding and insights. It is a powerful tool to express yourself, gain mental clarity, release your emotions, cope with anxiety and stress, develop self-awareness, find peace and improve mental health. What are the real benefits of journaling? Why is...
Detox Your Colon Naturally with Shankha Prakshalana Kriya
Traditionally known as the Varisara Dhauti, Shankha Prakshalana is a Dhauti Kriya of Shatkriyas and is among the 6 yogic cleansing techniques. It is a yogic process whereby toxins and foreign matter is removed from the digestive system, thereby achieving restoring and boosting digestive health. The term ‘shankha’ refers...
Ritucharya Principles: The Science of Eating as Per Seasons
What is Ritucharya in Ayurveda and why is it important in the present era? Simply put, ritucharya is the science of eating or rather adopting a lifestyle in accordance with the seasons. This Ayurvedic practice is based on the fact that our bodily systems function differently in different seasons,...
The Power of Moringa: Why it’s a Superfood Worth Knowing About!
Moringa is loaded with vitamins and minerals, is known to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, and restore hormonal balance. It nourishes the skin and hair, it helps treat asthma and anemia, it reduces inflammation, and it can be of help in preventing cancer. Isn’t it amazing how the humble...
Oil Pulling: A Simple Practice with Incredible Benefits
What is oil pulling? How does it improve your oral health? Is oil pulling beneficial for your teeth? What are the health benefits of this Ayurvedic practice? This writeup delves into the science of oil pulling and its amazing advantages. Introduction to Oil Pulling What is oil pulling? It...
Dinacharya: A Daily Routine to Restore Your Body’s Natural Rhythm
What is the concept of Dinacharya and what is its sequence? The word literally means daily routine and it is a concept in Ayurveda that enlists self-care activities to carry out at the beginning of the day and before bedtime, so as to improve or optimize your health. Dinacharya...
21 Benefits of Consuming Pure Ghee Daily
Since ages, pure ghee has been a part of Indian food culture and it is an integral part of many Ayurvedic treatments. Ghee is an important element of the diet prescribed by Ayurveda, as according to this branch of medicine, pure ghee has several health benefits and should be...
18 Ways Sunlight Can Benefit Your Health
He is the supreme source of heat, light and energy for all the earthlings.In his presence there is light and joy, he adds colour to life.In his absence, everything seems dull and dark.Seeing him, our eyes close and the head bows down, humbled by his godly existence.He is accessible...
Mangoes: Nutrition, Benefits, Dos and Don’ts
Come summer, and we start waiting for this brightly coloured, royal-looking fruit that is an amazing combination of taste, fragrance and texture. In its ripe as well as raw forms, it has multiple culinary uses. It can be eaten raw or savoured ripe. Extract its juice, drink it; cut...
Top 10 Reasons Why Dark Chocolate Is a Healthy Indulgence
“Dark chocolate is therapy in a wrapper”, they say, and so true that is; as it has multiple health benefits that range from promoting heart health to improving brain function, among others. It is a treat to all your senses, owing to its refreshing aroma, appetizing appearance, velvety touch,...
Jeevarasam: Benefits, Usage and Basic Care Instructions
If you hold the water you drink with gratitude and reverence, health and equanimity will be a natural consequence. – Sadhguru Jeevarasam is an oval-shaped burnished metal container 2.25 inches in diameter, 2.5 inches high and weighs about 900 gms. It is filled with energized vibhuti that’s consecrated at...
Navel Oiling: Benefits of Applying Oil to Your Belly Button
Nabhi (belly button) means centre or origin. Before birth, the unborn child derives nutrition from his/her mother through the navel, which is why the navel or the umbilicus forms the most important part of an individual’s body. The navel (or nabhi) is said to be the originating source of...
Ragi Malt Magic: Crafting the Perfect Blend for Health and Taste
Ragi cooked with water or milk is a magical blend of health and taste, and is a nutritious and delicious beverage commonly prepared in South India as a breakfast or snack recipe. It is known as ragi malt, ragi java or ragi porridge. Some other local Indian names for...
Significance of Ekadashi Fasting: FAQs and Benefits
According to Sadhguru, every 14 days, there is a day when the body can easily go without food, or that fasting will cause the least discomfort on that day. Sadhguru also says that eating forcibly on those days is bad for health. As people did not know much about...
Practical Tips to Maintain a Healthy Sleep-Wake Cycle
Today, stuck in our super-busy routines, most of us are not being able to align ourselves with nature. Sleeping early at a specific time at night and waking up early morning at a certain time daily, is one of the most effective ways to keep ourselves efficient and healthy....
21 Positive Affirmations by BK Shivani for Daily Happiness
A motivation speaker and spiritual mentor, and receiver of the prestigious Nari Shakti Award of 2019, Shivani Verma, known as BK Shivani represents the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. She has authored a number of self-help books and her wise words are sure to help anyone seeking practical advice...
Beginner’s Guide to Breathwork and Its Benefits
Deep breathing changes the chemistry of the body by bringing oxygen into the tissue. – Wim Hof What is Breathwork? Breathwork refers to breathing practices in which you exercise control over your breathing in a way that impacts your mental, emotional and physical well-being. While practicing breathwork, you consciously...
Kalaripayattu: India’s Ancient Martial Art, the Oldest on Earth
Kalari is about becoming a weapon without violence. – Sadhguru Originating in the Indian state of Kerala in the 11th-12th century, Kalaripayattu (also called Kalari) is India’s ancient martial art. The word Kalaripayattu is a combination of kalari which means battlefield/training ground and payattu which means training of martial...
Are Cold Showers Good for You? 9 Health Benefits You Didn’t Know About
Take a cold shower in the morning and you will start feeling more energetic. Bathe with cold water after a workout and your muscles will feel more relaxed. So, are cold showers good for you? What are the health benefits of bathing with cold water? Let’s find out. 9...
11+ Little-Known Miraculous Health Benefits of Betel Leaf
Betel (botanical name: piper betle) is a flowering plant species that belongs to the family Piperaceae which is native to South East Asia. It is an evergreen vine with shiny, heart-shaped leaves. Since thousands of years, betel leaves have been used as a wrapper for areca nut and in...
What’s the Best Direction to Sleep? Your Guide to A Restful Night’s Sleep
A restful sleep is an important component of wellness. Apart from a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, a good amount and quality of sleep are critical for good health, as a peaceful sleep helps in maintaining your immunity, reducing your stress levels, and aids in the proper functioning of...
Brahma Muhurta Significance: Embracing the Sacred Essence of the Morning Hour
Picturize this. The sun is yet to rise. A soft light fills the skies. There is a mystic silence in the air. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves. What your senses experience at this time of the day, is simply rejuvenating. We are referring to that part of the...
Why Is Eating Forbidden During Solar and Lunar Eclipses?
Why shouldn’t we eat during eclipses?Is consuming food on the day of an eclipse harmful to the body? There are many age-old beliefs about why eating should be forbidden during eclipses. One common belief is that food eaten on an eclipse day takes longer to digest and the other...
Significance of Lighting the Traditional Oil or Ghee Lamp
Light is symbolic of knowledge, happiness, prosperity, abundance and overall well-being. It serves as a powerful metaphor for removal of darkness, which is synonymous with ignorance, sorrow and negativity. Light is the absence of darkness, which means light signifies the absence of vices, the absence of negative energies, and...
Secret Benefits of Om (Aum) Mantra Chanting
Aum is believed to be the sound (original vibration) of the universe, it is composed of three syllables ‘a’, ‘u’, and ‘m’ representing the various states of awareness and symbolizes the trinity of ‘Creation’, ‘Preservation’, and ‘Destruction’. Most Sanskrit mantras start with ‘Om (Aum)’. What happens if we chant...
Diwali: History, Significance and Traditions Around the Festival of Light
Diwali, the festival of lights is here, it’s the time to wear your festive gear and spread some cheer. Deepavali, as this festival is also called, is the time to hang lanterns and light oil lamps, in the effort to banish the darkness from not just our surroundings but...