Tag: spiritual quotes

Quotes on Health and Healing by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra’s wisdom reminds us that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all intertwined. He encourages us to approach pain with compassion and to use our words to uplift others. He also emphasizes how our beliefs can impact not just how we feel but also how we age. Chopra...

19 Deepak Chopra Quotes That Will Empower Your Journey to Fulfilling Relationships

The following Deepak Chopra quotes emphasize how our relationships mirror our inner selves, urging us to embrace authenticity and acceptance in intimate connections. He sees these interactions as avenues for personal growth, where we recognize ourselves in others. Deepak Chopra also talks about the power of positivity, noting that...

101 Deepak Chopra Quotes on Love, Happiness and Life

Deepak Chopra is a celebrated author renowned for his profound insights on love, abundance, success, health, and mindfulness, which deeply resonate with individuals seeking a more fulfilling and joyful life. His teachings emphasize the significance of living in the present moment, letting go of past and future, thereby fostering...

Lahiri Mahasaya Spiritual Quotes

Lahiri Mahasaya was born on September 30, 1828 in Ghurni, Bengal, India. He came from a Brahmin family, and even as a child, he showed signs of being deeply spiritual, he was often seen sitting in yogic postures. When he turned 33, Lahiri Mahasaya met his guru Babaji, near...

21 Positive Affirmations by BK Shivani for Daily Happiness

A motivation speaker and spiritual mentor, and receiver of the prestigious Nari Shakti Award of 2019, Shivani Verma, known as BK Shivani represents the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization. She has authored a number of self-help books and her wise words are sure to help anyone seeking practical advice...

64 Happiness Quotes By Sadhguru to Infuse Joy into Your Life

Amidst the chaos of life, find solace in the beauty of small moments, the warmth of human connections, and the simple joy of being alive. Happiness is not confined to any specific circumstance; it’s a choice we make every day, transcending the challenges that come our way. These happiness...

113 Quotes on Yoga, Meditation & Spirituality by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev consistently talks about the importance of human values and understanding that we’re all connected globally. He supports harmony among different faiths and believes that educating about different cultures can prevent fanaticism. These efforts are vital for his goal of creating lasting peace. Going beyond differences in race, nationality,...

140 Best Quotes by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Love, Happiness and Life

Founder of The Art of Living, a non-profit organization, Gurudev offers programs globally, empowering individuals to eliminate stress and enhance well-being. In 1982, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar embarked on a 10-day silence, emerging as an enlightened master. From that moment, his life’s purpose crystallized — to guide others in...

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes for a Positive Mind

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a globally respected spiritual and humanitarian leader, known for promoting a stress-free and violence-free society. He has developed impactful programs empowering individuals to address challenges at various levels – global, national, community and individual. Through his initiatives and messages, Gurudev has touched the...

13 Sadhguru Quotes on Lord Rama’s Exemplary Life

Rama is admired by people from diverse backgrounds because he symbolizes inner strength and balance. Regardless of external challenges, Rama remains peaceful and blissful, making him an ideal hero for everyone. His universal appeal lies in the timeless lesson that true strength and happiness come from managing one’s own...

12 Powerful Dhyanalinga Quotes By Sadhguru That Will Nourish Your Spiritual Yearning!

Dhyanalinga, a profound embodiment of boundless energy, manifested on June 24, 1999, was consecrated by Sadhguru through 3 years of intense Prana Pratishtha. Serving as a sacred gateway to ultimate liberation, it symbolizes the fulfillment of the dreams cherished by enlightened beings across generations. Unlike traditional places of worship,...

171 Inspirational Quotes from Sadhguru’s Transformative Book, “Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy”

Isha Foundation’s Inner Engineering program is a game-changer for self-discovery and inner evolution. If you’ve experienced it, you’ll understand the profound impact it can have on your life. In addition, Sadhguru’s book, “Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy,” provides transformative wisdom that beautifully complements the program. Together, the...

130+ Thought-Provoking Quotes by Jiddu Krishnamurti On Fear, Life, Love, and Consciousness

Jiddu Krishnamurti, a well-known philosopher and spiritual teacher, is celebrated worldwide for his profound wisdom. He delivered thought-provoking speeches to global audiences, emphasizing the pressing need for a fundamental shift in humanity. What sets him apart is his refusal to align with any religious, political, or ideological group, as...

120+ Inspirational Quotes on Life, Love, Mind & Spirituality By Osho

Meet Rajneesh, better known as Osho, the spiritual guru who turned heads worldwide with his captivating philosophy and mysticism. Born as Chandra Mohan Jain in Madhya Pradesh, India, Osho had a spiritual awakening at the tender age of 21 – the kind that propels you on an epic journey...

94 Memorable Quotes from “Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny” By Sadhguru

In ‘Karma book,’ Sadhguru skillfully demystifies the elusive concept of Karma, leaving readers enlightened and captivated. Through his wisdom, he emphasizes the undeniable link between our actions and their consequences, urging us to collectively contribute to building a conscious planet and fostering better societies. The book offers a treasure...

99 Life-Transforming Quotes From The Bhagavad Gita By Lord Krishna

The Bhagavad Gita is a revered ancient Hindu text, written 5000 years ago. During the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna imparted the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, and this sacred dialogue is documented in the Mahabharata as “Bhisma Parva.” The Gita imparts knowledge on Dharma, Karma, Bhakti, Moksha,...

204 Motivational Quotes from Buddha for Inner Peace and Personal Growth

Born as Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha discovered that conditioned experiences couldn’t provide lasting happiness. Through deep meditation, he attained enlightenment – a state of enduring and unconditional happiness, free from disturbing emotions. His teachings center around the pursuit of lasting happiness and a deep understanding of the true nature...

125 Uplifting Rumi Quotes That Are Worth Ruminating Over and Over!

Despite the significant changes that have taken place since 13th century, Rumi’s words still hold substantial wisdom and provide timeless guidance for navigating the complexities of the human experience. Here’s a list of some of his enlightening quotes that still hold ground after all these years. Rumi Quotes on...

200 Inspirational Quotes by Ram Dass on Love, Life and Spirituality

Ram Dass, formerly known as Richard Alpert, embarked on a transformative spiritual journey in the 1960s. As a Harvard University professor, he explored Eastern spirituality and psychedelic substances. However, he discovered that genuine spiritual growth required a different approach. His quest led him to India in 1967, where he...

50+ Best Motivational Quotes by Guru Nanak on Truth, God and Spirituality

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was a spiritual teacher, poet, and social reformer. His mission was to unite communities and bridge religious gaps. Guru Nanak emphasized living an honest and ethical life, treating everyone equally regardless of their gender, caste or creed. He taught the concept of “Ik...

95 Life-Enriching Quotes by Lord Mahavira on Ahimsa, Life and Spirituality

Lord Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana Mahavira, was an ancient spiritual leader and the last Tirthankara of Jainism. He stressed the significance of self-discipline, self-control, and inner purification through practices like fasting, meditation and a strict vegetarian lifestyle. Mahavira’s teachings revolved around the concept of karma, which states that...

137 Ethereal Eckhart Tolle Quotes on the Present Moment, Life and Consciousness

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and writer who holds the key to unlocking inner peace and enlightenment. Drawing inspiration from timeless traditions like Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, Tolle’s teachings transcend cultural barriers, offering practical insights that resonate with everyone. His teachings guide us toward liberation from suffering and...

Top 64 BK Shivani Quotes for a Fulfilling and Positive Life

BK Shivani, an esteemed spiritual teacher linked to the Brahma Kumaris, is renowned for her enlightening discussions on meditation, personal growth and developing a positive mindset. Her teachings empower individuals to find inner peace, improve relationships, manage stress, and lead fulfilling lives. She places a strong emphasis on cultivating...

99 Timeless Kabir Quotes: A Guiding Compass for Spiritual Seekers

Kabir, a highly respected figure in the India, was like no other. He was seen as a saint who embraced true secularism, valued by both Hindus and Muslims. Kabir’s wisdom as a mystic, religious reformer, and spiritual teacher was profound. Kabir believed in uniting people of different faiths and...

115 Neem Karoli Baba Quotes on Life, Love, God and Spirituality

Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Neeb Karori Baba or Maharaj-ji, was a renowned Indian spiritual master born as Lakshmi Narayan Sharma in 1900. He left home at the age of 17 to embark on a spiritual quest, connecting deeply with deities like Lord Hanuman. Establishing ashrams across India,...