Ash Gourd and Its Incredible Benefits: The Cooling Pranic Superfood

Last updated on December 12th, 2023 at 12:06 pm

Ash gourd, also known as winter melon, is an incredibly versatile vegetable with innumerable health benefits. Known for its alkaline nature, it is beneficial for maintaining the body’s pH balance. Its cooling and medicinal properties have made it a vital component in Ayurveda for centuries.

Drinking ash gourd juice in the morning acts as a detoxifying agent, aiding in the elimination of toxins, germs, and contaminants from the body. This early morning ritual helps flush out waste and impurities, promoting a healthier system. Here are the key benefits of incorporating ash gourd into your diet.

Sadhguru’s Perspective on Ash Gourd Benefits

Sadhguru highlights the pranic benefits of ash gourd, calling it a superfood that provides enormous energy while keeping the nerves calm. Daily consumption enhances intellect, reduces cancerous cells, and improves mental clarity. Adding honey or pepper neutralizes the cooling effect for those susceptible to colds and coughs.

Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Sharpens the Mind

Daily consumption of ash gourd juice can greatly enhance intellectual capabilities and bring alertness to the mind. This makes it especially beneficial for children, as it can improve their cognitive abilities and mental sharpness.

Increases Energy

Drinking ash gourd juice provides a substantial energy boost while keeping the nervous system calm. It is a healthier alternative to coffee for an energizing effect. Ash gourd is known to stabilize nerve cells and combat general debility, making it useful for overall well-being and vitality.

Provides Cooling Effect

Consuming ash gourd juice can cool down the body, making it beneficial for individuals suffering from excess body heat and related health issues. It can provide relief from conditions like boils, piles and constipation.

Improves Digestion

Ash gourd contains high water content and fiber, which aids in healthy digestion and can help with weight management. The laxative properties of ash gourd also promote regular bowel movements and reduce discomfort in the gut.

Enhances Immunity

Ash gourd’s abundant supply of vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenes makes it a powerful immune booster. Vitamin C is known for its role in enhancing the immune system and protecting the body against infections and diseases.

Prevents Ulcers

Consuming ash gourd juice with water on an empty stomach in the morning is a natural remedy for peptic ulcers.

Supports Kidney Detox

Ash gourd is believed to aid in aiding in the removal of waste and toxins from the body. Its diuretic properties help in promoting better kidney function.

Aids Weight Loss & Diabetes

Ash gourd’s low carb and sugar content make it an ideal ingredient for the ketogenic diet, supporting weight management and calorie reduction. Ash gourd is considered beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar levels due to its low calorie and high fiber content.

Research has demonstrated that ash gourd is effective as an anti-diarrheal agent and possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

ashgourd superfood juice recipe

Caution should be exercised by individuals prone to colds, asthma, and sinusitis due to the ash gourd’s cooling effect. Mixing ash gourd juice with honey or pepper can help neutralize the cooling effect. Incorporating ash gourd into your diet is easy. You can consume it as juice, add it to salads, or use it in raitas to retain its fresh rawness.

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