40 Linga Bhairavi Devi Quotes By Sadhguru

Last updated on May 4th, 2024 at 08:17 am

Linga Bhairavi Devi is a powerful energy form consecrated by Sadhguru. Devi is made up of three and half chakras – muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, and one half of anahata. Representing the intuitive and compassionate aspects of the universe, Devi is the ultimate manifestation of the Mother Goddess.

The energy of Linga Bhairavi empowers the 3 chakras in the human system; thus, stabilizing one’s body, mind and energy system. Through Devi’s grace, people are able to attract blessings and manifest even their farfetched dreams.

These 40 Bhairavi Devi quotes by Sadhguru will shed light on the divine energy that Devi exudes, and how one can attune oneself to her grace!

Linga Bhairavi is a feminine manifestation of the Divine, but in the form of a linga. The linga as the most fundamental form in creation has both masculine and feminine aspects.

Devotion is a tool to dissolve yourself. As an energy form of high intensity, Linga Bhairavi will lead you into blissful abandon.

Devotion is a tool to dissolve yourself. As an energy form of high intensity, Linga Bhairavi will lead you into blissful abandon. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

One who earns Devi’s Grace is a Blessed Being. You will live a life that is well beyond your imagination, competence, and capabilities. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

If you hold Devi above yourself, you shall be best available to Grace. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

If you are absolutely in devotion, nothing of you will be left. If nothing of you is left, She will be as strong and real as the morning sunlight. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Devi is like a scream – a madness that is neither insanity nor compulsiveness, but pure ecstasy. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Just sitting in the presence of Linga Bhairavi, the sheer intensity of her energy will blow you away. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Feminine is a powerful dimension of life. Without the feminine energy or “Shakti,” there would be nothing in existence. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

If Devotion has melted your Heart, Devi will yield and serve you in a million different ways; in ways that you cannot understand. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Once you empty yourself, Devi has no choice but to be with you. And if Devi is with you, I also have no choice. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Within a few days of contact, Linga Bhairavi’s energies can elevate you, both experientially and externally. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi only has half a heart. She is not capable of love, but she is capable of immense compassion and force. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi empowers you to function beyond your personal capabilities. She has the advantage of not being restricted by a physical body. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi is fierce and compassionate at once. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi is feminine – you have to woo her. You must approach her with a sense of offering. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi is fire – as a woman should be. Fire does not mean fighting, anger, or jealousy – fire as in creation. – Sadhguru

If the feminine is lost on the planet, nothing of beauty, nothing of tenderness, nothing of truly aesthetic value will survive. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi lets you enjoy the physicality so quickly and fully that you will naturally shift your focus on something higher. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

The purpose of the Divine is not to give you this or that. By bringing fulfillment, Linga Bhairavi supports you towards your mukti. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

For what you do not know to happen, you should stop asking. If you simply connect with that energy, things will happen. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi is pure, untamed life – life in its highest possibility. – Sadhguru

Devi Quote Sadhguru

In celebrating the Divine Feminine, you will know the True Beauty of life. – Sadhguru

Those who earn the Grace of Bhairavi neither have to live in concern or fear of life or death, of poverty, or of failure. All that human beings consider as wellbeing will be theirs, if only they earn the Grace of Bhairavi. – Sadhguru

The divine feminine is an expression of exuberance. May you know the bounty of exuberance this Navratri. – Sadhguru

Life is a mystery to enjoy, not understand. The festival of Navratri is based on this fundamental insight. – Sadhguru

The best way to approach Navratri is in a spirit of celebration. This is the secret of life: to be non-serious but absolutely involved. – Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi completes an eleven-year cycle, and in this renewed form, the grace of Devi shall become significant. Those who earn her grace shall live a Blessed Life. – Sadhguru (Sadhguru’s words on Jan 28, 2021 on the eleventh year of Linga Bhairavi consecration day.)

The feminine is ultimate willingness. Without willingness, there would be no love, no care, nothing gentle in this world. – Sadhguru

The feminine fire of Bhairavi – this is what a woman should be. – Sadhguru

I see Bhairavi everywhere. Now, after some time, everything is like that. If you see a leaf, Oh, it looks like Bhairavi. If you see a flower, It looks like Bhairavi. You don’t say this to anybody, just do this within yourself. Who you are will just disappear over a period of time. – Sadhguru

Bhairavi is not interested in where the hell you are going. Bhairavi need not know where you are going, she just enhances your ability to go. You can go wherever you want. That is why I am saying that she is a machine. – Sadhguru

In terms of geometry, Bhairavi is made up of three-and-a-half chakras. Because she is Kali, she is the lower half of the body – muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, and one half of anahata. She only has half a heart – so do not expect her to love you! She is not capable of love, but she is capable of immense compassion and force. – Sadhguru

Bhairavi is capable of enhancing your life in a tremendous way. I think that if something or someone enhances your life, it is a much bigger expression of love than the everyday “I love you” business. – Sadhguru

She will never “sweetify” you, but within a few days of contact, her energies can lift you higher than where you are right now, both experientially and in relation with the rest of the world. It can enhance your life hugely in terms of your competence, your mental and physical wellbeing, and your wellbeing in the world. – Sadhguru

The reason why many people are able to feel the Devi temple much more than the Dhyanalinga temple is simply because She is physically manifest… She is even capable of slapping you in the face. – Sadhguru

Bhairavi also has the spiritual dimension attached. If you give yourself deeply into the process, even if you went there in search of material wellbeing, slowly she will take you into that. – Sadhguru

Linga Bhairavi is a very powerful, fierce feminine form. But feminine energy worshiped as a linga is rare. A few have been there, but in very withdrawn kinds of situations. Probably this is the first time that this kind of space will be open to the public and handled in a different way altogether. – Sadhguru

So, just go sit there, let her destroy you. That is the way. That is not a place to go and save yourself. Everything that you are should be destroyed and you must carry a divine force within you and go out; not for any particular purpose. That is the way to be. – Sadhguru

Empowered by Prana Pratishtha, Bhairavi has become a living entity. Her powerful presence is a great boon for us and for generations to come. – Sadhguru

Only when the masculine and the feminine play an equal role in our lives, there will be beauty and purpose to our existence. So how could we do without Bhairavi? – Sadhguru

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