How To Make Refreshingly Cooling Ash Gourd Juice – Isha Pranic Food Recipe

Last updated on December 12th, 2023 at 04:16 pm

Ash gourd juice is a potent detoxifying agent that works best when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Sadhguru highlights the pranic benefits of ash gourd, calling it a superfood that provides enormous energy while keeping the nerves calm. Daily consumption enhances intellect, reduces cancerous cells, and improves mental clarity. For those susceptible to colds and coughs, adding honey or pepper neutralizes the cooling effect.

Names of Ash Gourd in Indian Different Languages

Positive pranic superfood Ash gourd

English: Winter Melon
Sanskrit: Kushmanda
Hindi: Petha
Manipuri: Torobot
Marathi: Kohla
Tamil: Neer Poosanikai
Malayalam: Kumbalanga
Telugu: Boodida Gummadikaaya
Kannada: Budekumbalakayi

Positive Pranic Ash gourd Juice Benefits

Ash gourd juice enhances intellectual capabilities and sharpens the mind. Drinking this wonder juice provides a significant energy boost while maintaining calm nerves. Ash gourd juice cools the system and helps with constipation, piles, and boils.

ashgourd superfood juice recipe

Ash gourd extracts inhibit ulcers and exhibit anti-cancer properties. Research has demonstrated that ash gourd is effective as an anti-diarrheal agent and possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Caution should be exercised by individuals prone to cold, asthma and sinusitis due to ash gourd’s cooling effect.


Ash gourd juice ingredients

  1. 1 Ash gourd
  2. 6 tsp Lemon juice
  3. 1 tsp Black pepper powder
  4. 1 tbsp Honey


Wash the ash gourd thoroughly and cut it open. Remove the seeds and the soft center part. Peel off the outer skin and dice the ash gourd into small ½ inch pieces.

Positive pranic superfood Ash gourd pieces

Place the diced ash gourd into a high-speed blender and add some water. Blend the mixture until it becomes a smooth puree.

superfood Ash gourd juice process

Strain the juice through a fine-mesh strainer, extracting all the liquid into a large bowl or jug. You can use a spoon to press the pulp and get all the juice out.

squeezing lemon

Add the lemon juice, black pepper powder and honey to the strained juice. Optionally, you can also add a pinch of salt for taste.

Mix all the ingredients well.

Positive pranic superfood Ash gourd juice

Serve the ash gourd juice immediately for the best nutrient value.

For maximum health benefits, you can enjoy the plain ash gourd juice without adding lime juice, salt, and pepper. For a refreshing twist, you can blend in some mint leaves or cucumber along with the ash gourd.
Remember that ash gourd juice is best consumed right away as it may lose its nutritional value if stored.

Selection and storage of ash gourd

When selecting an ash gourd, choose one without bruised marks. It should feel heavy for its size and have a characteristic white, ash-coated surface. The interior should be white with a crisp and even texture. Uncut, it can be stored for a month or more in a cool, dry area. Cut pieces or wedges of ash gourd can be refrigerated for 4-5 days if wrapped in cling wrap or a moist paper towel.

This miracle juice effectively absorbs toxins and contaminants from the body, promoting overall health and wellness. Making it a daily habit can lead to significant health benefits and a cleansed system.


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