Chit Shakti Meditation for Love Guided by Sadhguru 2025

Last updated on February 13th, 2025 at 06:46 pm

Chit Shakti meditation is a powerful tool to create and manifest what you really care for in life and realize the power of being the master of your destiny. Created by Sadhguru, Chit Shakti meditations are guided relaxation techniques in which you are guided into deep breathing while visualizing what you wish to manifest in reality. During the practice of this meditation technique, Sadhguru instructs you to deeply inhale and exhale while tensing and relaxing the different muscles of your body, whereby whole-body relaxation is achieved, and with practice, this meditation empowers you to shape your life the way you want it to be.

Love Chit Shakti - Power to Create Guided Meditation By Sadhguru

Chit Shakti meditation for love is aimed at helping you imbibe the quality of being loving in life. In this meditation, you are guided into imagining yourself feel lighter and start floating upward. Sadhguru helps you visualize yourself going further upwards from where you can see the ground from above, feel the breeze and see yourself speedily moving away from where you started. Then he guides you into imagining that you are floating over a forested area, then over a beautiful valley, seeing which you start descending and start feeling the sound, smell and energy of the valley, the embrace of the Earth. Then you are instructed to remember the most loving and tender moment in your life and relive it, after which you see the love within you radiating from you.

Sadhguru says that your willingness to include is the basis of your love and that your ability to love is your willingness for inclusion. He says that love is who you are, so be the love, be like the fragrant flower that everyone seeks to be with, and feel your love and energy radiating to everyone around you, and everyone will be attracted to the fragrance of your love.

Practicing the Chit Shakti meditation for love guided by Sadhguru, is a truly wonderful experience. Consistent practice can surely transform your life for the better and let you feel more positive, more loved, happier, and more peaceful, in turn enhancing your sense of overall well-being. Apart from this meditation, there are Chit Shakti meditations which are called ‘Power to Create’ meditations for peace, success and health. To access them easily, download the Sadhguru app, browse through the four Chit Shakti meditations and practice those that are aligned with your goals.

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