54 Profound Death Quotes by Sadhguru to Ignite Your Spiritual Journey

Last updated on May 4th, 2024 at 08:25 am

Death has always been a concept that’s clouded with mystery and fear. No one is immortal in this world, everyone lives and everyone dies; and yet we find it very difficult talking about death. Through the following post, let’s look at death from a mystic’s perspective, and learn how death can be considered as a greater possibility rather than a tragedy of life! If you’d like to read the book review, here’s the link.

Life and Death are not exclusive of each other but inseparable ingredients of one phenomenon. To know the phenomenon beyond the perishable mortal coil, to know life in all its dimensions, Death or the constant awareness of Death is a must. – Sadhguru

If you were conscious that you are mortal, you would do nothing other than what is absolutely needed for You and Everyone around you. – Sadhguru

Birth and Death are just passages, not of life but of time. – Sadhguru

Every day, every moment if you remind yourself this is a brief life, “I’m mortal, one day I will end.” just do this for 2 days & see, you will become something truly fantastic within yourself. – Sadhguru

Most people are investing their whole lifetime just for their material well-being. Dying to live, this is called. – Sadhguru

You may attach much significance to your birth, life, and death, but for Mother Earth, it is just a recycling process. – Sadhguru

Mortal nature of life is not a curse, it is a blessing. – Sadhguru

An absolutely inevitable aspect of life is Death, but it still remains largely unaddressed within oneself in most Humans. It is the natural consequence of Death that makes life sparkle brightly. We are alive just for a while but Dead for a very long time. – Sadhguru

Death is never dangerous. Once death happens, all danger ceases. – Sadhguru

Only a person who is willing to die can live totally. – Sadhguru

Life is constant uncertainty. The only certainty is death. – Sadhguru

If you can transition from wakefulness to sleep consciously, you will also be able to transition from life to death consciously. – Sadhguru

What you call as death is just the transition of Life which has to happen. – Sadhguru

If you die of excitement, it’s all right. Such a magnificent creation and you die of boredom – that’s a crime. – Sadhguru

If life happens, death is a natural process. Being afraid of a natural process is unnatural. – Sadhguru

If you live joyfully until the last moment, you don’t have to worry about death – that will also be a joyful process. – Sadhguru

Life is death, and death is life; they are not different. – Sadhguru

The only real wealth you can carry through life and death is profoundness of experience. – Sadhguru

Only he who is constantly aware of the mortal nature of his existence, who knows that the flesh and blood that he carries is nothing more than a heap of ash, is truly self-realized. In incinerating all falsehood within is the making of a yogi. This is the ultimate truth that Adiyogi embodied. – Sadhguru

Timely death is not a disaster. Too many births – that is the real disaster. – Sadhguru

There is no such thing as death. Death is a fiction created by the ignorant or unaware. There is only life, life and life alone, moving from one dimension to another, another and another. – Sadhguru

When you are constantly in pursuit of security, you are in pursuit of death, because life is never secure. It doesn’t matter what you do. – Sadhguru

Most people only experience peace and transcendence when they are dead. But in the yogic tradition, the word ‘samadhi’ is used to describe a state in which one has transcended the limitations of the body and mind, and this happens in life. – Sadhguru

Death is not a surprise. You must remind yourself and introduce this fact into your children’s lives very early. It is not necessary that it needs to happen in your family; it is happening to somebody or the other every day. Just remind your children, “Death is not a calamity; it is a natural process of life. – Sadhguru

If you realize how fragile your life is and how at any moment it could be turned upside down, you will walk very gently on this planet. – Sadhguru

The only reason why people have such a fear of death is they know nothing beyond the body. – Sadhguru

Death is the highest relaxation. Life needs a certain amount of tension to keep it going. – Sadhguru

If you work five or ten years for your security, that’s okay. But if you are going to work all your life for your security, you are seeking death because death is the only secure thing in the existence. Life is never secure. – Sadhguru

The fear of death has always made people do crazy things. – Sadhguru

The greatest calamity of the human mind is that it is against death because the moment you reject death, you also reject life. – Sadhguru

If you are not willing to be vulnerable, you are not willing to transform. Whatever does not transform, whatever does not change, is as good as dead. – Sadhguru

What you call as “myself” is just a pop-up on this planet and it will pop out one day. – Sadhguru

If you are aware of the mortal nature of your life, where is the time to get angry with someone or to quarrel with someone or to do anything stupid in life? Once you come to terms with death, and you are conscious that you will die, you will want to make every moment of your life as beautiful as possible. – Sadhguru

The unfortunate reality is that most people will know peace only with death — ‘Rest in Peace.’ It is time we do something about it in life. – Sadhguru

If you are constantly aware of your mortal nature, you will only do what truly matters to you. – Sadhguru

The violence of the death is not determined by what happened to the body; it depends on what happened within that person. – Sadhguru

Every breath you take, you are getting closer to the grave. But every breath you take, you can also get closer to your liberation. – Sadhguru

Do not waste your time trying to think what happens beyond death, because that is not the realm of your mind. – Sadhguru

This body is just a loan from Mother Earth. One day you have to repay the loan. – Sadhguru

The reason dead bodies were openly cremated in Manikarnika, in the heart of Kashi, was to bring people to terms with Death, because Ignorance rules a society that hides Death. – Sadhguru

After death, discernment is completely absent, even more than in a child. Then, whatever quality you put into the mind, it will multiply a million fold. – Sadhguru

When you face mortality, suddenly your intelligence starts working beyond the tyranny of social conditioning. – Sadhguru

For the sort of potential that a human being carries, it is a very brief life. – Sadhguru

Silence is a space beyond creation and Creator, beyond life and death. – Sadhguru

For most people, what happened yesterday is more real than what is happening right now. That is their experience of life. They live by memory. When you live by memory, you live with one foot in the land of death and another in the land of life. That is torture! – Sadhguru

In a way, everyone is a ghost. Whether you are a ghost with the body or without a body is the only question. – Sadhguru

Every moment of living here, we can either refer to this process that you are going through as life, or we can refer to it as death. – Sadhguru

If you want that moment of death to happen in full awareness, you have to live a life of awareness. – Sadhguru

With every inhalation, there is life; with every exhalation, there is death. – Sadhguru

Death and that which is beyond it are not a secret hiding in heaven. It is right here, right now. If you transcend the limitations of the mental & physical structure, you can access this dimension. Most people just never pay the necessary attention. – Sadhguru

“You did not create life, so you have no business to take it either – whether it is yours or someone else’s. It is as simple as that. There are life situations; some are okay, some are not okay, some are horrible. Still, it does not give you the right to take a life because you are incapable of creating one.” – Sadhguru

Only when this awareness of mortality seeps into you, you will turn inwards. The moment you address the mortal nature of who you are, you will also want to know what the source of this life is. You will develop the longing to know what this is all about, and what is beyond this thing. It will become a natural quest. That is the spiritual process. – Sadhguru

Spiritual process means to be on fire. Peace will happen when you ‘rest in peace’. – Sadhguru

Death is something that happens only once in our lives. It is important that we conduct it well. – Sadhguru

You can buy the book on Amazon by clicking here:- “Death: An Inside Story”

You can explore more death quotes from the book here..

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