40 Powerful Quotes by Sadhguru to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

Last updated on May 4th, 2024 at 08:27 am

The following meditation quotes by Sadhguru cover the subtler aspects of what it means to be truly meditative. This post sheds light on how meditation can be a tool to access higher dimensions of life.

sadhguru meditation quotes

Sport demands a certain sense of Abandon. It is only in abandoning yourself can you become meditative. Be a Sport. – Sadhguru

When you exist here only as a body and a mind, suffering is inevitable. Meditation means to go beyond the limitations of your body and mind. – Sadhguru

When you are truly meditative, there is no time and space for you. Time and space are consequences of the mind. – Sadhguru

Meditativeness means to become in such a way that you are not the source of the problem. Wherever you are, you’re a solution, you’re not a problem. – Sadhguru

Meditation means to know life beyond the sphere of the physical; to know and experience life not just at the surface but at the source. – Sadhguru

Meditation is a way to help you drop your identity and experience true peace. – Sadhguru

Negative energies can’t touch you if you are in a state of meditativeness. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

If you become truly meditative, you will be beyond karma. – Sadhguru

Just sitting silently for a few minutes within the sphere of Dhyanalinga is enough to make even those unaware of meditation experience a state of deep meditativeness. – Sadhguru

Yoga and meditation are simple ways to turn your attention inward and begin to experience how this source of creation is functioning from within you. – Sadhguru

When you’re mostly your own mind, you need guidance & guidance & guidance & guidance. If you are all receptivity, you don’t even need a master, I’m telling you, because grace is all over. You don’t need a master, you don’t need a temple, you don’t need a meditation, you don’t need anything. – Sadhguru

Ecstasy is not the goal of meditation. It is just an incentive to keep you going. – Sadhguru

Meditation is the only way to freedom from all the stress that man is going through because this dimension of life is not of the mind. All the stress and struggle of this world is of the mind. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

Meditation is a possibility to awaken new dimensions within you. – Sadhguru

All activities have a beginning and an end. What meditation means is to be involved without activity. – Sadhguru

Meditation is not something you do, if you handle the body, the mind, emotions and energy properly you become meditative, if you try to become meditative you go crazy. – Sadhguru

Meditation means going back to one’s original nature. When one is simply with this breath, all identifications dissolve. – Sadhguru

All that moves will exhaust itself. Only that which is still, is for always. Meditation is essentially to move towards that stillness, to become like the core of existence. – Sadhguru

Only a meditative mind which is not at all enslaved to whatever the past experiences of life are, or whatever the existing situations are, can see what is happening now or what is going to happen tomorrow with clarity. – Sadhguru

Meditation is neither concentration nor relaxation. It is a sort of homecoming. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built. – Sadhguru

Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why, everything around you will become peaceful. – Sadhguru

If one becomes meditative, if one becomes a devotee, they are incapable of being corrupt. – Sadhguru

One who cannot laugh, cannot meditate. Laughter is a certain exuberance of your energy. Meditation is ultimate exuberance of your energy without physical action. – Sadhguru

Meditation is a means to realize the beauty of your existence. – Sadhguru

Meditation means our mind should behave according to our wishes. When your mind listens to you, then you will not create needless suffering, anxiety and fear. – Sadhguru

Meditation gives you an experience, an inner state where what is you and what is yours is separated. There is a little space between what is you and what you have accumulated. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

Prayer means you are trying to talk to God. Meditation means you are willing to listen to God. – Sadhguru

Meditation means to become absolutely aware. It is the only way to be completely free. – Sadhguru

Meditation, or being meditative, on another level, means you can play with life whichever way you want, without life really leaving a scratch upon you. Right now, in the process of managing large situations, people are getting wounded, people are getting broken, because instead of managing life, life is managing them, or life is managing to destroy them. – Sadhguru

Essentially, meditation means to experientially realize that you are not an individual bubble – you are a universe. – Sadhguru

When you become meditative, you will see, your intellectual capabilities will increase many times more than what it is right now. Not because meditation makes you intelligent, but because meditation clears up the mess, the muck that’s gathered on the glass of the flashlight. As your meditation deepens, it just clears up the muck more and more and the flashlight becomes more and more powerful. It shows you things more and more clearly. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

When you are meditative, the reaction aspect of you is taken off. There is no reaction in you. No matter what kind of situation you’re placed in, you are not reactive to it. You are only responding to it. – Sadhguru

Meditation is not an act, it is a quality. Meditation is not something you do—it is something that you become. – Sadhguru

When I was young, I hated classical music, I was into western music, the moment I started meditating, the classical music suddenly became music for me, I wanted to listen to it. – Sadhguru

sadhguru meditation quotes

If a certain population in the world experiences this, if a certain percentage of the world truly becomes meditative, definitely the quality of the world will change. – Sadhguru

Once you are meditative, music will naturally be a part of your life. Everything is vibration – everything is sound. – Sadhguru

If you really look at existence even once, it is sufficient. It has enough to offer. Only if what you have seen is sufficient, you can be truly meditative. – Sadhguru

If you meditate every day, a day will come when you open your eyes, and you can still experience that the mind is there and you are here. This is the end of suffering. – Sadhguru

Our aspiration should be to become a sensible, gentle nation, which is for wellbeing for itself and, as far as possible, wellbeing for everyone in the world. India should aspire to make every nation meditative. – Sadhguru

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