82 Sadhguru Love Quotes That Are Sure To Warm Your Heart & Mind

Last updated on December 27th, 2024 at 05:03 pm

Sadhguru’s teachings on love serve as a guiding light, helping us nurture meaningful bonds and uncover life’s deepest truths. Sadhguru love quotes listed below are sure to resonate with you, opening your heart and enriching your view of love.

Love is not an act – it is a quality. – Sadhguru

LOVE – neither can you learn, nor can you practice, nor can you dispense it. It is just a flowering. – Sadhguru

If you love, love strong. If you hate, hate strong. Whatever the hell you do, live strong. – Sadhguru

Love is not what you do. Love is what you are. – Sadhguru

What fragrance is to a flower, love is to a human being. – Sadhguru

If it is conditional, it is not love. – Sadhguru

If you want everyone to fall in love with you, the first thing is, you must fall in love with all of them. – Sadhguru

Love is a longing to include someone as a part of yourself. It is a possibility to become more than what you are, by inclusion. – Sadhguru

There is a region beyond reason. Unless you get there, you will neither know the sweetness of love nor the Divine. – Sadhguru

Yoga is a huge love affair. It is a process of including every form and dimension of life. – Sadhguru

Scale up your love! Why only love one person when you can fall in love with the whole universe. – Sadhguru

Whether God or somebody else loves you, it does not make a difference for you. If you are loving, it makes your life very, very sweet. – Sadhguru

Sadhguru God Love Quotes

Everyone can love God as he does not demand anything from you. But to love the one who is next to you right now costs life. – Sadhguru

For most people, love means, ‘You must do what I want.’ No, love means they can do what they want, and we still love them. – Sadhguru

When you are deeply in love with something, it becomes more important than yourself. With this inner quality, Growth will be easy. – Sadhguru

There is no insurance for love. It takes awareness to keep it alive. – Sadhguru

Love is not an instrument of convenience. Love is a process of self-annihilation. – Sadhguru

Only people who are deprived of love imagine that God is love. Love is a human emotion. – Sadhguru

If with 7.5 billion people minus one, you feel terribly lonely, that’s not love – that’s attachment. – Sadhguru

One who is stuck in the realm of right and wrong, liking and disliking, will never know the texture of love. – Sadhguru

You cannot rise in love, you cannot fly in love, you cannot stand in love – you have to fall in love. If you want to know the magic of emotion, something of you has to fall. – Sadhguru

Lust is a strong need; love is not a need. When you love, you settle down, nothing more is needed. In love, you can just sit here for a lifetime. – Sadhguru

Only those who keep the garbage of their minds aside are truly capable of love and compassion. – Sadhguru

Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only of Action of body and mind. – Sadhguru

Your ways of thinking and feeling, your likes and dislikes, your philosophies and ideologies all melt down when you fall in love. – Sadhguru

Love is a liberating force. Attachment is an entangling process. – Sadhguru

A love affair is meaningful because of the sweetness that it fills you with. – Sadhguru

Love is not a transaction but a burning flame within you. When it burns the core of who you are, it is liberating. – Sadhguru

There is really no such thing as conditional love and unconditional love – there are conditions, and there is love. – Sadhguru

If someone is nasty to you, first try love. If that does not work, compassion. If that does not work, distance. – Sadhguru

Love is not a transaction; it is a certain exuberance and sweetness of your emotion. – Sadhguru

Love is not about sappy talk. It is a deep sense of integrity and commitment. – Sadhguru

If you see the uniqueness of all creation, you will become an outpouring of love. – Sadhguru

Love is a doorway that opens up possibilities which you completely miss if you are in states of anger, resentment, frustration, and hatred. – Sadhguru

If there is love in your heart, it will guide you through your life. Love has its own intelligence. – Sadhguru

Love is not a joy; it is a deep, wonderful pain. Everything within you should tear. Only then will you know what love is. – Sadhguru

The air does not love you, but it gives life. This is how you should become-simply nourishing everything around you. – Sadhguru

Whatever you do or give without love in your heart, it just amounts to labor. – Sadhguru

When you develop an immense sense of love for something, you will naturally stretch beyond your limits. – Sadhguru

When your love, joy, and peace depend on someone else, there is no way you can be loving, joyful, and peaceful all the time. – Sadhguru

If you love someone, you should do what they like for them. Not what you like. – Sadhguru

In nature, everything is living and giving itself to the maximum extent. Only human beings are trying to save – their joy, their love, their Peace – to rest in Peace. – Sadhguru

Love by itself doesn’t mean anything, but it is a wonderful stepping stone to become blissful. – Sadhguru

If you see the uniqueness of all creation, love is the only way you will be. – Sadhguru

Love is not what you do, but what you are or become. Become love, the sweetest way to be. – Sadhguru

Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts. – Sadhguru

Being a Guru is not a position of power or influence, but one of love and inclusion. – Sadhguru

A love affair need not be with any particular person. You could have a great love affair with life itself. – Sadhguru

What most people call love today is little more than a mutual benefit scheme. Love is an unconditional sweetness of emotion. – Sadhguru

It takes love in your Heart to invest in aspects that we ourselves may not get to enjoy the fruits of. – Sadhguru

Do not hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back. – Sadhguru

If you just become love, not love somebody then you will know the nature of love. – Sadhguru

If you can look at everything lovingly, the whole world explodes into a beautiful phenomenon for you. – Sadhguru

Without becoming vulnerable there is no love affair, you have to fall. When you fall, somebody may rise you or somebody may walk over you. – Sadhguru

If tears of love, joy, and ecstasy have not washed your cheeks, you are yet to taste life. – Sadhguru

My whole life is devoted to every human being, every creature on the planet. Devotion is just a deeper love affair. – Sadhguru

If you want to receive, you have to give. This is not a marketplace rule. This is the way of life. – Sadhguru

Using people and loving things. This is a complete misunderstanding of life. Things are for use. People are for love. – Sadhguru

How can you love one and hate the other when the same Divine exists in All. – Sadhguru

Our idea of love is to stuff the people with as much food as we can. – Sadhguru

Love can solve problems, compassion can solve problems, and above all, sense can solve problems. – Sadhguru

You want to be loved because you feel incomplete. Otherwise, being loved can be quite a nuisance. – Sadhguru

Only when tempered with devotion, love, and involvement, is intellect a good thing. By itself, it is quite a nuisance. – Sadhguru

If two people come together, it should be a sharing of joy, not extracting joy from each other. – Sadhguru

If someone loves you because you are theirs, it is about you being their property. If someone loves you for who you are, you are fortunate. – Sadhguru

Recognize people around you for the best that you have seen in them. In recognizing the best instead of the worst, you will kindle, nurture, and receive the best of everyone. – Sadhguru

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Any moment, it can flip the other way. One can become the other. – Sadhguru

Only the one who is beyond the fear of losing oneself can know love, can be love. – Sadhguru

If you are conscious, you do not need morality, values, and ethics. If Consciousness eludes you – just be in Love. – Sadhguru

In loving all that you do, you will not live a stressful or miserable life – you will live wonderfully. – Sadhguru

Love is not about getting what you want. It is an opportunity to lose yourself. – Sadhguru

You don’t have to be super smart for your child to grow up well. You just have to be joyful, loving, and straight with them. – Sadhguru

We can manufacture whatever we want within ourselves – joy or misery, fear or love, anxiety or ecstasy. – Sadhguru

If you made yourself in such a way that nobody can help loving you, that’s something. – Sadhguru

Love is a simple and beautiful emotion. All humans are capable of it. Needs no god’s help. – Sadhguru

Many things [Love Affair] that don’t work out in youth, you will see they were great blessings when you grow up. – Sadhguru

Love is an emotion. It is the sweetness of your emotion which we’re referring to as love. If the same emotion becomes bitter, we call it hate. – Sadhguru

When you become free from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises. – Sadhguru

Joy, peace, and love aren’t spiritual goals. They are the starting point for living sensibly. – Sadhguru

People who have truly, immensely loved each other are the ones who will handle the loss of the loved one gracefully. – Sadhguru

You know peace, you know love, only problem is that you can’t hold onto it (without sadhana) – Sadhguru

It is time we work towards creating a world where every human being can blossom and be like a flower, bursting with love and ecstasy. – Sadhguru

If you are deeply in love with a strong energy form, there is a certain sweetness in your life. No matter what happens to you, this devotion will create a steady pleasantness within. – Sadhguru

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