Top 300 Sadhguru Life Quotes to Keep You Motivated and Focused
Last updated on December 25th, 2024 at 04:53 pm
These motivational quotes about life by Sadhguru are filled with life-changing insights, practical strategies that will help you transform your life, embrace change, and build resilience in the face of challenges.
Are you here to experience life or to think about it?
A child is a life that has not gone too far away from the Creator. Know a child to know life.
Do not wait for miracles to happen. The greatest miracle in life is life itself.
As a person, you will always feel incomplete. As a being, as life, you are always complete.
If you strive to make yourself in such a way that nobody can help loving you, life will blossom, everything will yield.
Life is in the details. Just look at a flower or an ant, how intricately every piece of creation is engineered!
Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.
Being fit for life means – hardness in the body, sharpness in your mind & softness in your heart.
If you break the shell of your personality, you will simply be a Presence – as life is, as God is, just a Presence.
We have spread the (wrong) idea that stress is a part of your life. Stress is not a part of your life, stress is not because of your job, stress is simply because you do not know how to manage your own system.
In nature, everything is living and giving itself to the maximum extent. Only human beings are trying to save – their joy, their love, their Peace – to rest in Peace.
All limitations are only in your psychological framework, not in the existential framework of life.
As a Human Being, you do not have to let situations define you – you can choose to Create the situations you want.
Any sensitive human being is bound to be wounded when he knows only the dualities of life; when he does not know the other dimension.
Your life & the experience of your life is entirely your making, if this one thing doesn’t sink into you absolutely (you won’t change), the moment you see it, you have the ability to change.
Your thoughts and emotions may keep you fully engaged right now, but they are just small offshoots of life – they are not life itself.
As a human being, you have the power to shape your circumstances. When you do it consciously, you can create the life you want.
As a life we have a right to nourish ourselves, but we don’t have a right to wantonly take another life just for pleasure.
Be a little more happy, a little more loving – life would be more beautiful.
If you allow life to happen to you in its utmost possibility, enlightenment is a natural flowering.
All through life, your physical body will age. But your energy body need not age – you can keep it like it was just born.
If you are a little playful with life, every moment is a celebration.
If you are in a state of offering, life happens differently.
We are thinking of happiness like it’s some kind of a commodity or some kind of an attainment. No. When your life comes to ease, when you come to ease, happiness is a natural consequence.
Anyway, life makes you do all kinds of circus, juggling, and acrobatics. If you are well prepared, you can do it joyfully.
What you need to manage is your energies because life is a certain amount of energy, it is not limitless, but it can be enhanced. If you function at one level of energy what you do in 10 years; if you function at a different level of energy, the same thing you can do in one year.
If you are too full of yourself, life has to knead you. There is no other treatment.
People who have failed in their lives are suffering their failure. People who have succeeded in their life are suffering their success. If you suffer your failure, it is okay, if you start suffering your success, that is the real tragedy of life.
Being young or old is not just of age, it’s not a question of when you were born. Are you an exuberant life or have you become half alive?
Do whatever you want in your life, but tomorrow, when you have to face the consequences, you should not cry and complain. If you can accept this joyously, you can do anything.
At the end of your life it’s only about what you have created. Whatever you have gathered, you can’t take it with you.
However pretty your body or sharp your mind may be, once you are lost in your physiological or psychological process, you cannot perceive or experience life the way it is.
The more conclusions you have, the less you experience life.
If you think someone else is responsible for the way you are, you cannot become the way you want to be.
Life has no particular purpose. It is a purpose unto itself.
Most human beings live like a bird in a cage whose door is blown away. Too busy gold-plating the cage to soar to their ultimate possibility.
If you want an active, dynamic, growth-oriented life, you need to craft it.
If at all there is any struggle in your life, it is because you identify yourself with the limited aspects of yourself.
How effective you are in life is essentially determined by your level of clarity and balance.
If you want something beyond survival to become a reality in your life, a certain attention and striving is needed.
Every life is a possibility. If you want to keep that possibility open, never ever form an opinion of any sort on anyone.
Life is a limited amount of Time and Energy. Let us use it for maximum Impact.
If you want to have deep insights into life, no one’s opinion about you should mean anything to you.
The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.
If you want to know the intricacy of life in its full depth and dimension – not somehow you lived and died – you want to know it all. If such a longing comes then it needs attention to everything.
You want to live your life through your children. This is a sure way to destroy children. This is a definite way to destroy children.
When you came into this world, you came without a single investment. So, whatever happens in your life, anyway you are in profit.
Your business is just to become receptive to the bounty of life; to know life in its fullest way. If you’re willing to be blissful, joyful, do something worthwhile about yourself.
If you want to really know higher dimensions of life, there needs to be a constant sense of peacefulness and joyfulness within you.
Your experience of life does not depend on who or what is around you but on how you are.
When you go about checking out life from bits and pieces of information and knowledge that you have, you will obviously come to wrong conclusions.
Anything in life, if you are doing it compulsively it becomes ugly, if you are doing it consciously, it can be made beautiful, everything can be turned into an ugly mess if you do it compulsively.
Life is not about pushing your way through. Life is about allowing life to push through you.
If you’re constantly creating a nasty chemistry within you, how is life within you supposed to understand you’re seeking well-being? How? It’s just unfair. Life within you thinks, ‘He likes ailments,’ and gives it to you.
A thought cannot know life. An emotion cannot know life. An ego cannot know life. Only life can know life. If you stop being a bundle of thoughts, opinions and emotions, and just exist here as life – just throbbing pulsating life – knowing life is just natural.
Being on your toes is the best way to be.. means you have a life that is happening. You don’t have a stagnant life.
The only thing you have is life. The rest is all imagination.
The problem is not with life. The problem is you have not taken charge of your mind
Being responsible is taking ownership of Your Life. It means you have taken the first radical step to becoming a complete Human Being – fully Conscious and fully Human.
Devotion is not a deal. If you become free from this calculation: “What will I get?”, then you are a devotee. You will live a blessed life. Grace will come in a cascade, not in drops.
Do not try to build your life on ethics, morality or values. Bring clarity of perception into your life. Learn to see everything just the way it is.
Life is rooted in reality – not in your thoughts and emotions.
Don’t think in terms of weeks and months and years and decades or lifetimes, think in terms of moments because life is in moments.
Education, above all, is to know the joy of wondering about life, not having ready-made answers for everything, ready-made answers are religion.
Emotion is the juice of life. When out of control, it becomes madness.
Enormous potential and possibilities are destroyed in your life by the fear of suffering.
Essentially, every Experience in Life is a matter of Perception. The level of your Perception determines the level of your Experience.
Every moment, something new should happen in your life. Something old should fall away. You must renounce something old and something new should happen to you.
Do what really matters to you in life. Whatever it is, it should be worthy of you.
Don’t be dead serious about your life – it’s just a play.
Everybody has a lifestyle, but they don’t have a life. Spirituality means you have a life which is throbbing and roaring within you.
Everyone has dreams, but how many are willing to stake their life to fulfill that dream?
Fear is always of losing something. You can only lose limited aspects of life; you can never lose its ultimate nature. Fear occurs because you are attached to your limitations; otherwise, there is no fear.
Every life on this planet, how great it becomes or how puny it becomes is not dependent upon whether it’s good or bad. It is dependent upon how much nurture it finds from outside.
For all the other beings, everything in their life is set, once you are born as a human, your life is in your hands, Nature has left that responsibility to us.
Death is the only certainty in life. If you lived your life well, death is not at all a bad thing.
For life to sparkle, it has to be inclusive. That is the way life is made.
Fundamentally why you have come here as life is you want to experience Life. (Only) Question is how profoundly.
Fundamentally, life is management.
Life is within you, throbbing all the time, whether you are awake or asleep.
God is not a reality in your life; it is just a belief. What kind of God you believe in is just what kind of social situations you have been brought up in.
Having a good home, eating good food, wearing good clothes, are a means to living well; they are not the goals of our life. The quality of your life is decided by how peaceful and joyful you are.
First thing in everybody’s life, no matter what you’re planning to do, is to enhance this life, then to act in the world. If you act in the world before you enhance this life, you will see if you succeed you shall suffer, if you fail you will suffer.
Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life.
Life knows no failure. Failure exists only for those who are always comparing themselves with others.
How you are, should never be determined by how somebody else is. Once you allow that, you will remain a slave to somebody all your life because they will decide whether you’ll be happy or unhappy.
Human beings are missing a whole lot of life, simply because they are indoors most of the time.
Human Life truly begins only when survival is taken care of. For all other animals, life ends with survival.
I don’t see compassion as a quality. Life itself is compassion.
If every moment of your life, no matter what the nature of your work or your life situations, you can remain playful and exuberant, that means you are liberated.
If humanity has to live for a long time, you have to think like the earth, act like the earth and be the earth, because that is what you are.
If instead of working up your desires, you enhance your capabilities, you will walk through this life effortlessly, gracefully, doing very well.
If life does not overwhelm you, what are you doing here? Are you here dodging life? If you look at any aspect of life, if you touch anything, genuinely touch anything, you will always be overwhelmed.
If tears of love, joy, and ecstasy have not washed your cheeks, you are yet to taste life.
If we cannot celebrate death as we celebrate birth, we do not know life.
If we hold Life as our highest value, we will naturally include and accept every Human Being.
If with every single act that you do, you create what you care for, then whatever you get or do not get, your life is beautiful.
If you allow experiences of the past to overshadow your future, you are ensuring there is no future in your life, just recycling the past.
If you are alive to life, you will never know monotony. But if you just live in your mind, then everything will be monotonous because the mind is repetitive in nature.
If you are conscious that you are mortal, would have time to crib? would you have time to fight with somebody? would you have time to do some rubbish with your life? If you are conscious that you are mortal, you would do nothing other than what is absolutely needed for you & everybody around you.
If you are constantly facing new situations, it means you are living a life of growth and great possibilities.
If you are doing your best and enjoy doing your best, what’s the problem with life? How many rupees or dollars you have in your pocket won’t make any difference.
If you are going to make people around you joyful and relieved only when you die, that’s not a good way to live.
Intelligence is of paramount importance to live life sensibly because, without intelligence, there is no clarity. And Clarity is intelligence everyone is capable of.
If you resist change, you resist life.
If you seek security in life, unknowingly you seek death. The only truly secure place is your grave. Life is of possibilities.
If you shift from unwillingness to Willingness, from inertia to Effervescence, your life will be Joyful and Effortless. And one day, when you look back, you will see you have lived a Spectacular Life.
If you stop your mental muddle, life is bliss.
If your doctor told you that you are going to die tomorrow, that you can’t live for more than 24 hours, you will see you will transform yourself so rapidly; minute to minute you will change. So, don’t wait for your doctor to tell you something horrible (change by yourself).
If your work is not your life, please don’t do it.
In a state of absolute acceptance, life within shall happen in great proportions.
In any sphere of life if you do not know involvement and intensity you will not get anywhere.
In every society, it is necessary that there are at least a handful of people whose passion in life is beyond their own wellbeing.
In life, there is no takeaway. How wonderful you make yourself in every moment is the only thing you have.
In our lives if we do not do what we cannot do, that’s not a problem. But in our lives if we do not do what we can do, we are a disastrous life.
In terms of Life, Happiness means that your life energies are happening in a more exuberant way than it normally happens. Depression means your life energy has become low & staid.
In the very nature of things, life can never get perfect – there is always room for improvement.
Intelligence is incapable of believing anything, but it has the potential to know everything. When people admit that they do not know, all beliefs fall apart by themselves and people become more alert to life around them.
It doesn’t matter who did what, what is happening within you, your experience of your life is entirely your making- this is your Karma.
To simply live here goal-less is what a spiritual process is about. That does not mean being lethargic and lax. A spiritual process means to live in intense involvement with what is there right now but with no goal.
It doesn’t matter who you are, life doesn’t work for you unless you do the right things… You may consider yourself a good person, but if you don’t water your garden, will it flower?
It is emotions that make your life flow. They only become a problem when they go out of control.
Just because you got what you wanted, that does not mean you have achieved something in your life.
Learning to live joyfully with things you do not like is a huge lesson in life.
If life is throbbing within you, you are not willing to live within any limitation or any compulsion.
Liberation is not my Idea; it is the fundamental longing in every form of life.
Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient.
If you are in a state of reaction, anyone or anything can take charge of your life. Conscious response is the way forward.
Life has come from a very beautiful source. If you remain in touch with that source, everything about you will be beautiful.
If you jump off a tall building, you will see it will be very blissful till you hit the ground, ignorance is bliss till you get smashed. In that small period, it’s wonderful.
Life is available to you only to the extent that you are open to it.
If you just live totally, you will dissolve lots of karma. Living totally means that you experience anything that comes fully and intensely.
Life is fluid, ever evolving. The more dynamic you are, the more happens in your life, all the time.
Life is important. Lifestyle is a consequence of the times we live in.
Most people have not paid any attention to life because they’re busy conquering the world.
If you learn to just sit here and reverberate as a piece of life, that is the ultimate ecstasy.
Life is intensity. Life within you does not slacken even for a moment. What slackens is your mind & your emotion- sometimes on, sometimes off. Watch the breath, does it ever slacken? If it slackens, it means death, When I go on telling you in so many ways to be intense, I am just talking about you becoming like life.
Life is involvement. Where there is no involvement, there is no life.
If you live your life burning for the highest possibility, in that burning itself, there is liberation.
Live your materialistic life like today’s the last day. Live your spiritual life like you are eternal.
Living an exuberant life is only possible when you are able to dance upon the uncertainties of life.
Most of the times unfortunately, most people’s minds are working against them.
If you look at creation the way it is, it is explosively beautiful. You do not have to add any frills to it – neither to your own life nor to anything else.
Living better is not about digging up the planet and heaping it on your head.
Looking good is not important. Is life a great experience for you or not? This is what is important. This shift in values must happen.
Making conclusions about life is a sure way to deny yourself the possibility of a human being transforming himself into the Divine.
If you operate out of the straitjacket of logic, you remain a clown in the circus of life.
May there be light in Your Life, both within and without.
If you realize how fragile your life is and how at any moment it could be turned upside down, you will walk very gently on this planet.
Life is a phenomenon beyond ideas of good and bad. Such concepts arise from misunderstanding the psychological as Reality.
May you be blissful. That is the greatest success in life.
Life is naturally all-embracing. The problems of whom you can embrace and whom you can’t are only psychological problems. Even if your enemy is sitting next to you, the life in you has no problem.
Most of the time you are thinking about life, not living life.
If you realize your life is 100% your responsibility, there is no room for being resentful towards anyone.
Mukti means liberation. Liberation means essentially to become free from yourself – because you are the only nuisance in your life.
Life is neither cool nor hot, it is you who can make it either cool or hot. If you get this, everything is cool.
My work as a guru is just to give you a taste of that ultimate, so that your life goes into a tizzy, and you go crazy, and you want to go for it. You have had a taste, now you can’t.
Never look up to anyone – never look down on anyone. When you see all the way they are, you shall navigate life effectively.
No matter what life throws at you – what you make out of it is up to you.
Nothing in life is a problem – everything is a possibility.
Once right and wrong comes, you will create a very prejudiced world. We never looked at it right and wrong. We always saw it in terms of every life has to find full expression. For that it needs nurture. How well you nurture it, that’s how well it becomes.
Life is neither suffering nor is it joy – you can make it whatever you want.
Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone.
If you choose, you can be joyful every moment of your life. It’s time you made your choice.
Once you’re corrupted by thought you have no sense of life, simply your own psychological process is more important than the whole cosmic dimension of the existence.
Only a person who is willing to die can live totally.
Life is not a question of use. It is magnificent, just the way it is.
If you do not know how to address the most serious aspects of life lightly, life will sit heavy upon your heart.
Only if you have no fear of suffering will you dare to walk your life full stride.
If you don’t invest your life in what you really care for, your life will be wasted. You will not fly – you will just drag yourself through life.
Only in misery is life too long – in joy, too brief.
Only miserable people will have a long life, because if you are miserable you will always feel life is too long that you will want to cut it short.
Only one who is constantly aware of his mortal nature will be a true lord of his life. Others can never live totally.
Life is not about peace, but if you do not know peace, you will never know life.
Our Way of Being should define us, not our activity.
People are capable of suffering just about anything- this is the nature of the intellect. Once you’re into the intellect, this is how life is. If you’re below the intellect, you won’t suffer so much. if you’re above the intellect, you’re a Buddha. If you’re below the intellect, maybe we can call you Buddhu.
If you feel life is superficial, it means you are living superficially. You just have to go a little deeper into life.
People call books holy, but they are yet to realize that life is holy.
The life within you is the only real thing – everything else is just a projection.
People don’t want to live well, they want to live better than their neighbour, bigger than their neighbour, because of that money becomes important, if they just want to live, money would be a small part of their lives.
If you get a headache, go for a foot surgery – then the foot will be aching more than the head – kind of fixed (this is how some people are handling situations).
People say, ‘I want to forget.’ If you forget you will once again do the same idiotic things all over again. Never ever forget. The more unpleasant your life has been, the more you should never forget. If you forget you will do the same stupid things all over again.
People should recognize you’re a success. You should not be thinking how to be successful; that’s a very wrong way to approach life.
Spirituality is not a disability – it is a phenomenal empowerment of life.
If you go on thinking about life, there will be no life left in you. The only way is to live it, to experience it, and to enhance your perception of life.
People who are bursting with life do not need a purpose to live. Life is a purpose unto itself.
Rama is not worshiped because his life was perfect; what makes him a superstar is how he responded to given situations in the best possible way.
The life within you cannot be unpleasant. Unpleasantness is created in the mind.
If you had everything you could ever dream of, what would you want? If you do not invest that much thought into your life, that means you are super short-sighted.
Renunciation: Somebody chose to do something that they saw as better, as a higher possibility for them, somebody who is at a lower level of life thinks they have renounced. Nobody renounced anything.
Resentment, anger, hatred are poisons that you drink and you expect somebody else to die. Life does not work like that.
See how to go ahead in life. Constantly looking at the rearview mirror will make you crash.
Spiritual process is not a philosophy – it is a method to live your life totally.
If you have no agenda of your own, life will work according to its agenda. Your personal agenda is taking you further and further away from that.
Spiritual process means life is happening fully and vibrantly – not just physically, mentally, and emotionally – on all levels.
Spirituality isn’t about going to a jungle. It’s about living a full-fledged life. You want the full cake, not a cut.
Suffering happens essentially because most human beings have lost perspective as to what this life is about. Their psychological process has become far larger than the existential process.
That which binds you in life can also free you. The door that imprisons you is also the door to liberation.
The basic purpose of life and the basic purpose of education is to enhance one’s boundaries of perception. I don’t want the children to just survive after ten years of schooling. They must blossom and flower wherever they go.
The conclusions that you make in your mind can seriously impede your ability to experience life.
The Creator did not make a mistake with you – the mistake is all yours. You are a fantastic piece of life, but you have silly ideas about life.
The Creator has paid equal attention to every detail of creation. If you pay attention to everything and everyone the same way, your life will be rich.
The dead can be preserved, life cannot be preserved, it has to be expended as intensely as possible.
The essence of sport is to bring playfulness into one’s life because without playfulness, there is no celebration.
The experience of life should mature you. It is your choice to transform a memory into a wound or wisdom.
The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.
The fundamental priority in life has to be life itself – not the accumulation of things and people, not social or psychological drama.
The greatest aspect of life is that it has no meaning. Every life is just longing to reach its fullest possibility
The greatest fulfillment in life is to do something which is much larger than yourself.
The idea of building relationships is that it’s of support on all levels of life. In emotion, profession, domestic situation, companionship, in arranging & organizing our lives, two people – two brains & two bodies – can do better than one person.
The life in you is not looking for meaning; it needs exuberance of experience.
The mind is like a mirror. A concave mirror exaggerates. A convex mirror depreciates. A plain mirror shows you life the way it is.
The moment unwillingness comes, even if the most beautiful thing is happening to you, it feels like you are being buggered by life. You are unwilling, but we will push you into heaven – you will suffer.
The more and more you identify yourself with certain limited qualities in life, you become a strong personality.
The most beautiful moments in your life have happened to you only when you kept your logic aside a little bit.
The most effective way of touching lives around you is to break your own barriers.
The most important thing in life is balance. If there is no balance, your own body and mind will work against you.
The most important thing that’s happening to you right now is life itself, not the fancy thoughts you have, not the emotions you have, not financial arrangements, nor family or whatever rubbish you have built around you- these are accessories to life, these are all frills. Frills are so much you’re missing the skirt, that’s the whole problem with you.
The nature of life is such that if you unblock and allow it to flow, life is a beautiful experience. If you hold back, it becomes misery.
The only & the worst crime you can commit in this life is – You did not explore the full depth and potential of your life.
The only and only purpose of life is for this piece of life to find its ultimate possibility.
The real wealth of life is – How joyful you are, how wonderful is your experience of life? Joy is not a goal by itself, but it’s a necessary ambiance for life, if you don’t set this one ambiance, whatever you have is just going waste.
The same forces allow one person to rise and soar, the same forces allow another person to get crushed, simply depends on whether he found rhythm of life or not.
The secret of life is to see everything with a non-serious eye, but to be absolutely involved. It’s like a game.
The secrets of life will not yield to a flirtatious mind. It needs the attention of a dedicated lover.
The Spiritual Process is like the Life Process – a seamless happening. Boundaries are the making of the human mind and other creatures of your kind.
The very life within you is longing to be joyful because joyfulness is the nature of the source of creation.
The virtues of fear are too many to list, It can even render you short of breath, and short of everything that is life.
The whole struggle with one’s life is we are always trying to pick out what is beautiful and what is not, what is good and what is bad.
There is a certain time to grow and there is a certain time to live. If you live too early, you will not grow and if you don’t grow, the scale and scope of your life will be very limited. That should not happen to you.
There is a difference between easy and lazy. If you do life easy, you can do a lot more.
There is a Source of Life that functions within us. We can either simply worship it or access it consciously. If we access it consciously, we call this Inner Engineering.
There is no life’s calling, but life is calling – both from within and without. Only when you truly respond to the call of life will you know life in its entirety.
There is no profoundness to your life unless you realize the mortal nature of who you are.
There is no such a thing as Death, Death is a fiction of the unaware, there is just Life, Life and Life moving from one dimension to another.
There is no such thing as good habits and bad habits. Habit means living life without awareness.
There is no such thing as right and wrong in life. The question is, are your actions appropriate and inclusive.
Whoever you meet, speak to them like it is the last time you may have that opportunity. It will transform your life.
Why Krishna is such a huge factor in the cultural ethos of this country is, this is a man who romped through his life no matter what was happening, he went through it like a dance, joyfully, blissfully, lovingly.
There is security in repetitive life patterns, but there are no possibilities, no growth.
Things that you have never imagined should enter your life. Only then will your life be truly enriched.
This moment, how joyful you are within yourself determines the quality of your life
This piece of life is a complete entity by itself. Why is it feeling incomplete? And why is it trying to fulfill itself by making a partnership with another piece of life? Fundamental reason is that we have not explored this life in its full depth and dimension.
To be a full-fledged human being is to respond to every life around you to the best of your ability.
To be involved and not entangled is something that is essential for people to be effective in life.
True miracle of life is not in you doing something, but in realizing that life is already a big miracle.
Trying to fix the human societies with morality will only bring more and more deception, it kills life in so many different ways. Why are we trying to fix life with morality? Essentially because we have never bothered to stir up humanity.
Unfortunately, today we are enslaving life to serve social structures. No. Social structures must be made in such a way that they will serve life, an individual life, not social life.
Unless you begin to perceive life in larger and larger doses, there is really no experience of life, just mind playing over and over, same record. Yoga means breaking this cycle.
This is a brief life. What you make out of it is completely in your hands.
This is the age of expression without perception. To know life, you need perception.
This living being that you are is the greatest scripture. Everything that you need to know about life is written into this one.
Virtue is not about practicing a certain morality; the greatest virtue is that you are in tune with life, you have become life.
We are the only creature on the planet which has the freedom to shape its own life. It’s this freedom which human beings are suffering. If one is suffering bondages then it’s not a problem. If one is suffering freedom, then it’s a disaster.
We are trying to set up a new normal: To be immensely capable and absolutely involved with life in every way, but untouched by the process of life.
We have to be alive to it every moment and as the context changes, what we do has to change. Morality and mortality are not very different.
“What can I get, What can I get” is a sure way not to live, from what you GET you can only make a living, it is only by what you GIVE that you make a Life.
What is Destiny? That’s a simple escape from all the nonsense you have done to your life.
What is generally considered as failure deepens your experience of life far more than what you consider as success.
What is ticking away is not the clock. What is ticking away is our life.
What to do or not to do in life is not a question of morality or ethics – it is a question of consequences.
When you are not for anything or against anything, just an extremist, you will be a great piece of life.
What you do on the outside is not LIFE; it is activity. Life is within you. How this feels and functions right now is most important.
What you know is not the problem in your life. The more you know, the better it is, Knowledge is not causing problem. You’re identified with what you know, that is what is causing the problem.
What you pursue, you will never forget. What is imposed upon you will never be useful in your life.
Whatever life throws at you, if you learn to shake it off and stand on it, you can make it a basis of your growth, maturity, and wellbeing.
Whatever the effort human being is making, whether he goes to the temple, goes to the bar, wants to go to heaven, takes the drugs; the whole effort is to make life something more than what it is now, something will happen only when your perception is enhanced, not otherwise.
Whatever your goal in life, unless you develop a great urgency, what could be near will be far away.
When you are connected with life, you are naturally blissful. Unconnected with life, you become a mental mess.
When you become significant as a life, it doesn’t matter what you do, whatever you do will be worthwhile.
You did not create life, so you have no business to take it either – whether it is yours or someone else’s.
You being a pleasant piece of life is one hundred percent in your hands, if you take charge of it.
You can become truly aware and enjoy every bit of life only if you are constantly aware that you are mortal.
You are going about life as if whatever you are doing is the be-all and end-all of life. The moment you pay a little attention, you understand “This is not it.”
When you resist change, you resist the fundamental process of life & invariably you’ll invite all kinds of suffering.
When your experience of life goes beyond the physical, when another dimension becomes a living experience for you, there is no more fear.
Birth and death are just passages where life is moving from one phase to another.
Yoga means looking at the mechanics of life, how it is made, how it functions, and what we can do with it.
By domination you will not know life, only by inclusion you will know life.
Whether god or somebody else loves you does not make a difference for you. If you are loving, it makes your life very sweet.
Without a sense of abandon, you will never walk full stride in your life.
Yesterday you loved somebody, with that memory you’re living today. Yesterday you disliked somebody, with that memory you’re living today. So, you’re trying to live that which is over. If you try to live that which is over, that which ‘is’ will bypass you.
You are creating a whole range of illusions for yourself. Life should disillusion you.
You are only given the raw material for your life. What you make out of it is up to you.
You are suffering every aspect of life, it does not mean there is something wrong with life, it just means you are only half alive to life; only one part of you is alive, the other part is yet to become alive. Being half alive is always torturous. It doesn’t matter where you are, in what kind of situation you are, if you are half alive it is torturous.
You can deepen your experience of life only if you are wide open to everything, without identifying yourself with anything.
You cannot admit that ‘I do not know’ because you have not realized the immensity of ‘I do not know.’ ‘I do not know’ is the biggest thing that can happen to you in your life.
Being on the spiritual path is not about becoming a constipated life but to have an unbridled involvement with everything & every life around.
Be the light of your life.
You cannot live here without trusting existence. If you trust consciously, lovingly, that is devotion.
Because you attach so much value to your own thought and your emotion, you cannot see life the way it is.
You either insulate yourself from other people’s pain or you insulate yourself from the very joy of life. Both could be alive in you at the same time… if you looked at life just the way it is, not distorting it according to your emotions, your identifications.
Everything we know as life is soil, including the fish in the ocean. Without addressing the soil, there is no way to address all the other issues.
You should not decide your life and the course of your life based on immediate compulsions.
When we say, life is maya, it does not mean that life does not exist; it’s just that you do not perceive it the way it is.
The quality of your life does not depend on your clothes, car, or home, but on how peaceful and joyful you are.
Health does not mean that just the medical parameters are okay. Health means you must feel a certain sense of wholeness. when you wake up in the morning, you are more alive than you are when you went to bed, you feel ten years younger than the time when you went to bed. If you feel like that, that means you are healthy.
You should not get married because everybody is getting married. You should not get a job because everybody is getting one. You should not go to school because everybody is going to school. You should go to wherever you go with a specific purpose as to what you want out of it.. it should be about enhancing your life.
A Bishop once visited a Yogi & asked him ‘What is Life?’, the Yogi closed his eyes became very blissful & said ‘Life is like the fragrance of Jasmine on the spring breeze’, the Bishop said ‘No, No, our pope has said life is like a thorn, we must renounce it’; Yogi smiled & said ‘Well, that’s his Life.’
A river is a life much larger than we are. People like you and me come and go, but our rivers must stay alive for always.