Isha Kriya Meditation Guided by Sadhguru – Steps & Benefits

Isha Kriya is a 12-minute guided meditation created by Sadhguru. For this meditation, you have to sit straight, with legs crossed and hands on your thighs with palms facing upwards. Your eyes should be closed with your focus on the point in between the eyebrows.

Isha Kriya Steps

An Isha Kriya meditation session has three stages. In stage one, you inhale slowly while saying to yourself, ‘I am not the body’, and exhale slowly while saying ‘I am not even the mind‘. This is repeated multiple times before proceeding to stage 2. In stage 2, you have to utter the sound ‘aaaa’ while exhaling with the mouth wide open. In stage 3, you have to sit for 5-6 minutes with an upturned face with your focus between your eyebrows.

Isha Kriya Benefits

It is said that the Isha Kriya meditation increases the ability to use your mind and body. It can help improve mental clarity, focus, stability, peace and well-being. It can lift your mood. In a research, it was found that a 15-minute Isha Kriya meditation session reduced mood disturbances like tension, anger and depression. A study found that a 2-week practice of this meditation reduced depression and anxiety significantly. Isha Kriya meditation can also help in alleviating the symptoms of certain health ailments.

According to Sadhguru, you can practice Isha Kriya meditation 3-5 times a day but there should be a gap of at least 4 hours between two consecutive sessions. If you are new to meditation, you can start by practicing this twice a week and gradually include it in your daily schedule.

Isha Kriya Practice – Download on Sadhguru App

Isha Kriya Sadhguru Meditation (2)

Isha Kriya meditation proves to be a good meditation practice for beginners as it requires less time and includes relatively simple steps. Moreover, it is a guided meditation, which means you benefit from the facilitator’s instructions and can be sure that you are doing the steps correctly in terms of posture and way of breathing.

Isha refers to ‘source of creation’ and Kriya means ‘inward action’ towards that. Isha Kriya is an effective way to traverse the truth. It helps you communicate with the source of your existence and create life according to your vision. A daily practice of Isha Kriya can transform your life by improving overall health, increasing your sense of well-being, ushering mental peace and getting more dynamism into your personality. It comes as a free guided meditation with an instructional video and downloadable instructions by Sadhguru.

So, without waiting any further, spare just 12 minutes daily for Isha Kriya meditation and change your life for good.

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