BK Shivani highlights selflessness, compromise and positive thinking as crucial for nurturing healthy and enduring relationships.
A relationship is not about wanting.A relationship is about giving. – BK Shivani
Learn the wisdom of compromise.It’s better to bend a little, rather than break relations forever.– BK Shivani
A relationship is not based on – What we do for each other, or how we speak to each other.A relationship is based on How we think about each other.– BK Shivani
The awesome relationship in the world is that,where a single smile and little forgiveness can turn things back to as it was before.– BK Shivani
Life will go on, even when there’s no love in the relationship,but it can never connect the relationship.– BK Shivani
Our Capacity for Kindness, has Nothing to do with the person Nothing to do with their mistake,But everything to do with our decision. Release your Pain …it’s Only ONE THOUGHT AWAY. .– BK Shivani