6 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes on Love

Don’t go seeking love.  Just relax! Only when you’re free from tension, free from confusion, can you ever experience love. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Though love is the greatest strength on this planet,  without wisdom the same love makes you weak, absolutely weak. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

You should never doubt anyone’s love for you, take it for granted that everyone loves you, that’s it! - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When you radiate love.. even the animals drop their innate aggression. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Love is seeing God in the person next to us and Meditation is seeing God within us. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Feel grateful for your very existence & all the love you have received.  This will bring more joy & happiness to you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar